Tadworth Heelwork to Music Competitions


Tadworth Heelwork to Music Competitions

6 August 2023

Strike did his sixth ever HTM competition yesterday and won Advanced Freestyle and got his Crufts semi final qualifier!! Absolutely love my boy! Peach also had her first ever try in the ring with no rewards and got a 4th in a big Novice Freestyle class bless her! Then I had to go home after these two because I felt soooo poorly, so poor Tempo didn’t get chance to do her routine. 😞

My Trickstars students did absolutely AMAZING and I have to give them a shout out as well!

Kassie Woods and Flo (Labrador) – 1st Starters Freestyle

Kassie Woods and Archie (Labrador) – 6th Starters Freestyle

Dana Stafford and Piper (Old English Sheepdog) – 4th Intermediate Freestyle and 3rd Intermediate Freestyle

Lesley Clarke and Saffi (Cockerpoo) – 3rd Starters Heelwork to Music (moving them up to Novice level due to a previous win) and 1st Starters Freestyle

Amber Solman and Georgie (Miniature Poodle) – 2nd Starters Freestyle