Had a fantastic couple of days away at Forest Oak Farm for their HTM training show, and then the first HTM competition of the new season with Crufts qualifiers – thank you to Carole and Michelle and all the helpers for a fantastic time. It really is one of the nicest HTM show venues there is!
I think I’ve peaked and it can only go downhill from here 🤣 because I had the, most likely unrepeatable, best day of my entire HTM career on Saturday! First up was Trip in the Advanced Freestyle qualifier with his Harry Potter routine – he worked super well and won the class, and has his Crufts 2024 semi final qualification! 😱
Next up was Foxy in the Advanced Heelwork to Music class. She decided not to be outdone by her tiny brother and worked the best she has ever worked in a competition ring, ever, in her entire life and she won the class and has her Crufts 2024 semi final qualification!
Last up to compete was my baby Tempo, finally old enough to compete in Novice freestyle, and she only went and won the class at her first ever competition with a great score! 😱 She was just awesome – worked with speed and enthusiasm and even with distance work was completely focused and unfazed!
I then did training rounds with my poor Strikey and Peach who have been neglected a bit, training wise, over winter (new tricks and bits but it’s not the same as working on routines) – but my boofy boy Strikey will get my main focus from now on.
Super proud of one of my Trickstars students who I’ve been working with over Winter – Dana Stafford with her Old English Sheepdog Piper – a fantastic 2nd and a 3rd in Novice Freestyle this weekend. It really is something special to see an Old English Sheepdog dance the way Piper does! 🤩
Generally had a lovely time having a good catch up and a good laugh with friends! I have been pretty much in bed ever since we got home though – I think I was running on pure adrenaline, as still feeling really fatigued from recovering from covid recently.